Portfolio Management

Your investment intelligence platform for your portfolio operations.

Quickly understand portfolio performance and impact. Optimize your portfolio outcomes at scale and manage rapid growth while maintaining risk prudence and compliance.

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Banyan software
Solar panel farm

Optimize portfolio outcomes with 360-degree visibility

Drive change with data by having the right data at your fingertips to improve outcomes 

Scale with confidence with automated portfolio operations, KPI tracking, and auto generated reports

Lower your operational costs with improved efficiency 

Maximize liquidity with ultimate transparency on asset and portfolio performance

field full of solar panels

With Banyan Infrastructure

  • Actionable insights for everyone in your organization
  • Track metrics you were otherwise unable to track
  • Automatic calculations allow for substantial time saved
  • Easy, always on, efficient reporting
  • Increased profitability through improved decision-making and risk mitigation
  • Increased liquidity with 360-degree transparency and pre-packaged metrics

Without Banyan Infrastructure

  • Unclear status, siloed information, limited shared insights
  • No visibility into key performance indicators
  • Many cumbersome hours spent pulling data and running calculations
  • Spending countless hours and overhead on tedious reporting
  • Minimal ability to influence profit and decrease risk
  • Minimal liquidity with limited transparency
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Standardized Metrics and Live Performance Data

Real-time, actionable insights that improve profitability and maximize liquidity

  • Track in real-time metrics that are unique to project finance. 
  • Automatic calculations of some text
    • Financial Metrics (IRR, DCSR, 30+ more)
    • Asset Performance metrics (kWh, MW, and more)
    • Impact metrics (CO2 Avoided, Affordable Housing Units Upgraded, Projects Financed in Disadvantaged Communities, and more)
  • Always on, always available, and updating through live data integrations.
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Roll Up or Drill Down

A comprehensive view of your portfolio, at the highest level or as granular as you need

  • Portfolio roll-ups allow you to see relevant data and give you the flexibility to drill down if needed.
  • Understand the areas of your business that need attention. Quickly triage your team to manage performance and risk better.
  • Have answers and insights at your fingertips, 24/7.
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Proactively Manage Risk

De-risk your portfolio with always-on monitoring and alerts

  • Automate insights, and set alerts for performance and unmet KPI thresholds. 
  • Set thresholds for alerts on underperformance
  • Quickly manage underperformance, and drill into key deal and portfolio details.
  • Minimize downside with rapid triage and risk reduction.
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Reporting with Ease

Save countless hours with instantly generated reports

  • Instantly generate and share live reports on portfolio performance against forecasts, budgets, and other key social and environmental metrics.
  • Save time on tedious and manual reporting. 
  • Always be able to answer questions and requests about deals and portfolio performance.
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What we do for...


  • Proactive performance tracking Proactively track every aspect of your portfolio and broader fund.
  • 360 degree visibility Integrate key accounting and asset performance data to track key metrics and cash flow in real-time, proactively managing risk and performance.
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Green Banks and Public Funds

  • Track Impact Confidently grow your portfolio by automatically tracking performance and key impact metrics and proactively managing risk.
  • Reporting with ease Easily report on federal and government reporting obligations.
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Developers & Owner Operators

  • Improve bankability Drive liquidity and securitization opportunities in your portfolio with unparalleled transparency and visibility into performance.
  • 360-degree visibility into performance and key metrics to improve your outcomes and upside
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Wind turbine farm