Reporting and Compliance Management

Automate your reporting and compliance obligations at scale.

Manage your growing compliance obligations with digitized and automated obligation tracking.

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Banyan software
Solar panel farm

Easily track compliance and reporting within one software solution.

Drive clarity and accountability with clear ownership of tasks, upcoming deadlines, and auditable records

Never miss a deadline with a central dashboard and alerts for all reports and obligations

Minimize downside risks by quickly actioning problem areas and underperformance

Free up your resources for strategic initiatives by automating reporting and obligation tracking 

field full of solar panels

With Banyan Infrastructure

  • A complete view of compliance obligations and status
  • Minimized overhead cost with automated reporting
  • Never miss a deadline
  • Efficient collaboration, clear responsibility,  and accountability
  • Strong, productive counterparty relationships
  • Insights into problem areas and underperformance for quick problem-solving

Without Banyan Infrastructure

  • Unknown requirements and obligations
  • Countless hours spent managing obligations and pulling reports
  • Missed deadlines 
  • Confusing back and forth and unclear responsibilities
  • Strained relationships
  • Unclear failure points and compounding issues
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Automated Compliance Obligation Tracking

Never miss a deadline for key reporting obligations. 

  • Digitize your investment and loan agreements to automate obligation and covenant tracking across your portfolio.
  • Monitor, collect, and approve ongoing reporting and financial covenant requirements.
  • Auditable history of documents, submissions, and compliance activity.
  • Automate report preparation. 
  • Keep all your information and key reporting details in one place.
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External User Collaboration Portal

Gain clarity and accountability with your counterparties and obligations.

  • Easily send and share compliance requirements through an external stakeholder portal, where counterparties can track all obligations and submit documents directly to Banyan Infrastructure.
  • Decrease your time and cost spent on chasing down counterparty reports.
  • Easily exchange approvals and changes.
  • Never worry about version control.
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Proactive Reporting and Obligation Alerts 

Stay on top of deadlines, key results, and covenant performance. 

  • Keep track of key activities like approvals, submissions, and document changes
  • Set custom thresholds and automated alerts when thresholds are breached
  • Easily manage risk and triage problem areas
  • Mitigate underperformance
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Complete Audit Trail

Superior documentation, always ready for audit

  • Maintain a complete audit trail of user activities for tracking changes, submissions, approvals, waivers, and amendments to covenant data and other deal information.
  • Maintain a complete history of digitized assets, and documents – from origination to portfolio management.
  • Always be audit-ready with a digital trail of key documents.
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What we do for...


  • Mitigate risk With a complete view of compliance obligations and status.
  • Lower cost Minimize your overhead with digitized investment and loan agreements to eliminate manual obligation tracking across the entire portfolio. 
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Green Banks and Public Funds

  • Track obligations Keep on top of government and federal reporting requirements through automated reporting obligation tracking.
  • Reporting with ease Have all your key reporting details ready for automatic report generation at all times.
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Developers & Owner Operators

  • Maintain compliance and build strong Relationships with counterparties.
  • Never miss a deadline with automated reporting and covenant obligation tracking and unparalleled counterparty visibility.
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Wind turbine farm